Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Cup of Coffee - Part 2

Those who missed part one can read it Here.

He was an accountant at Chaganlal and Associates.  He was the introvert with a huge close circle of friends. It was on the way to pick up his phone from home that the rickshaw had collided with an zooming BMW.  It was a deadly accident and he did not survive.  A life had ended.

She had been working at the coffee house for 8 years and was now managing it.  She was good with people and liked her job. The next day on her way to work she had seen the abandoned crushed auto rickshaw on her way to work and heard about the accident that happened the previous night.  "How sad" she had exclaimed when he heard that the rickshaw driver and the passenger had died.

He was a college student and visited the coffee house almost everyday with his friends.  Sanjay was one of his 'Coffee house friends' - the people that you see everyday and then eventually become friends because they met everyday. He had heard of the accident but realised that it was Sanjay only a week after when he tried calling him.  He knew about Sanjay's mountaineering trip and was numbed to hear how he had died.  Made him think how fragile life is.  He would often think about the discussions they had over coffee when he visited the coffee house.

She was a regular customer there and everyone knew what her usual was.  She never knew Sanjay even though both of of them frequented the same cafe.  It was going to be another usual day at work for her.  As she sipped on to the coffee she hoped to have a better day than yesterday.

Two months later Ved received a confirmation letter.  He had finally got a job and was happy.  He would be working at Chaganlal and Associates as an accountant.  On the way to office he noticed the coffee house.  He thought to himseLf how these coffee houses seem to have become a fad.  These places might be good for coffee but they don't really do justice to Tea. 

Life - We all have face these little moments when we feel it's the end of the world or that nothing can really get worse than what it already is.  There are so many people in the world and each has their own set of worries.  Having read part one - you would realise these 5 individuals are really irritated, sad and grumpy.   Each one thinks that there is nothing worse or even if something does happen it might at most make them pause for a moment before everything goes on as it did.

The harsh truth... Life goes on...


  1. Wow! This is really nice. And we'll said about life that's its all about moving on.

  2. Well if you hit rock bottom there's only one way to go and that's up. :) I remember reading part 1 sometime back and visited to see whether you have something new. Good post n keep writing!


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