Monday, March 7, 2011

On Marriage...

Quiet a few friends tied the knot last year and some are engaged to be married this year. There were so many people updating their status on Facebook from Single/engaged to engaged /married.  There were such updates everyday and it seemed like a wedding sale!

When were little we knew that when we grow up we would meet that someone special and get married but we didn't know why we would do it? It was just one of those grown up things to do - Get a job, buy a house, pay the bills, get married, be responsible, buy a car, etc. I remember when I learnt to write, writing my name was not the most fun thing to do - Nivedita Gopinathan was a long name for a beginner.  I wondered when I would grow up get married and change my last name.  That was the reason then.  Some years later when I learnt to wear a saree I thought I'd marry someone just so I could dress up in a saree everyday.

As we grow up we get to know about love. Its not about 'Marriage', its about Love and finding that someone who we feel makes us feel complete.  Love and marriage are two different things, Marriage does not come with a guarantee and it is a gamble but we can hope to have made the right decision by trusting our heart.  We always like to think that we would end up with Mr./ Miss Perfect but the truth be told - Mr./ Miss Perfect is an illusion like the fairy tales but good news is there is a Mr./ Miss Right who is going to be perfect.  They don't simply say love is blind for nothing.  When you truly love someone that person seems perfect and flawless.

Tom Mullen said - Successful marriage depends on two things: (1) finding the right person and (2) being the right person.


  1. Have heard many reasons for marriage. But getting a diff last name and wearing a saree.... priceless! :)

  2. Hi Nikiii....good perspective on marriage..and very true :):)
    my best wishes for you.


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