Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Things To Do Before I Die

A thought crossed my mind today - What if I had only 1 year to live.  I tried to think about all those things I had always wanted to do and if I would ever be able to get everything on my checklist.  Here are a few things...

  1. Go on a wonderful holiday with my family.
  2. Meet the friends I don't have time to see now, the friends who I've met just once in my life so far and those friends I made on Facebook due to various reasons :)
  3. See the places I always wanted to visit (Himalayas, Venice, Mexico and Combodia :P)
  4. Signup to become an eye donor.
  5. Change somebody's life for the better.
  6. Apologise to those I might have hurt (if it was my fault)
  7. See a Panda, Penguin and a Blue Whale.
  8. Taste as many ice cream flavours as possible :P
I thought I would have at least 10 things that I could share.. oh well.

That would have to be one exciting year!  Somethings I might be able to complete and some might just stay on the list.  

Its been a wonderful so far and the journey is still on.  Life however is uncertain and we might just have to bid good bye without announcements.  It is a very short act and time is actually fleeting. 

We NEED to appreciate the good things in life and forget the things you can't change. There are times when things get real bad and we might think its the end of the world... well its not.  Just remember, no matter how bad things get there is always the possibility it could have been worse (even the worst situations have the ability to get worser :P ).  If you think you've hit rock bottom well.. there's just one way out of there - Up :)

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A lot of ramblings in this post of mine... Just happened to transfer some of the mess from the head to the blog :P


  1. Brilliant article Nikki.
    Truly, we need to reassess our lives constantly (not only when death draws near), to appreciate the finer things in life and remind ourselves of the people who matter the most and value them.

    The last paragraph is the actual icing on the cake...
    CarlaS xx

  2. Bucket list already?.... I'm impressed!
    It's never too early I guess.

  3. Hi Adb, you're right... its never too early since life is soo uncertain. May be this could be my last blog entry! Anything is possible! :)

  4. Hey Nikki well said...its a fact that most of us are forgetting to njoy life by way of competing with the fast pace of life..You can definetly live a good life...but living it the way u want is something tat u shud always look to achieve...very inspiring thought, come to think of it i want to make a to-do list evryday :)

  5. u still need 2 more to go :P
    How about
    Fall madly in love
    Do something crazy such as skydiving

  6. hmm I knew that love bit would show up on this... I think its something that happens not something that you do. Skydiving... ZNMD :P? I wouldn't mind adding Sorkeling to that :)

  7. 4th point please mat karna.. if u want to know the reason I can tell u.. but don't do it.

  8. AAnon: Please leave your name... also you could have written why not.. I intend to signup for all possible donations.


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