Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Cup of Coffee - Part 2

Those who missed part one can read it Here.

He was an accountant at Chaganlal and Associates.  He was the introvert with a huge close circle of friends. It was on the way to pick up his phone from home that the rickshaw had collided with an zooming BMW.  It was a deadly accident and he did not survive.  A life had ended.

She had been working at the coffee house for 8 years and was now managing it.  She was good with people and liked her job. The next day on her way to work she had seen the abandoned crushed auto rickshaw on her way to work and heard about the accident that happened the previous night.  "How sad" she had exclaimed when he heard that the rickshaw driver and the passenger had died.

He was a college student and visited the coffee house almost everyday with his friends.  Sanjay was one of his 'Coffee house friends' - the people that you see everyday and then eventually become friends because they met everyday. He had heard of the accident but realised that it was Sanjay only a week after when he tried calling him.  He knew about Sanjay's mountaineering trip and was numbed to hear how he had died.  Made him think how fragile life is.  He would often think about the discussions they had over coffee when he visited the coffee house.

She was a regular customer there and everyone knew what her usual was.  She never knew Sanjay even though both of of them frequented the same cafe.  It was going to be another usual day at work for her.  As she sipped on to the coffee she hoped to have a better day than yesterday.

Two months later Ved received a confirmation letter.  He had finally got a job and was happy.  He would be working at Chaganlal and Associates as an accountant.  On the way to office he noticed the coffee house.  He thought to himseLf how these coffee houses seem to have become a fad.  These places might be good for coffee but they don't really do justice to Tea. 

Life - We all have face these little moments when we feel it's the end of the world or that nothing can really get worse than what it already is.  There are so many people in the world and each has their own set of worries.  Having read part one - you would realise these 5 individuals are really irritated, sad and grumpy.   Each one thinks that there is nothing worse or even if something does happen it might at most make them pause for a moment before everything goes on as it did.

The harsh truth... Life goes on...

Friday, February 15, 2013

For the Love of Shoes!

When I had moved to this city I had a few rules about the amount of stuff I can have and when it was close to the limit I had to make a choice of what to keep and what to throw away. I dont remember when I stopped checking the limit, then i suddenly realised everything is full! the cupboard and even the bags (they were suppose to be empty and pakced away!) Theres stuff everywhere!  Then  to add to it there are sales going on.. how is a girl suppose to resist that? Especially someone who loves shoes :P Look at these.. It would be a crime not to have brought these home.  

Oh...and before you think I'm a crazy shopper... No I did not buy all these at once.  I met them over the past couple years. Yes, I met them.. I love each one of these they almost like a personality.  These are some really good shoes.  Im not brand concious but for those who are.. these come from Enroute, Amore and Catwalk.  

You can never have enough of them and whats most wonderful is no matter what the weight might be the shoes always fit :D


Red! Kitten Heels

Everyday Favourite

Loves my feet more than the others

Grey Sturdy Newbie

Mauve Suede Love!
I do not always wear high heels but these are my loves... I do have flats and sneakers and I am not really the type to write or show off my shoes but these beauties cant be kept in a box all their life! :D

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Cup of Coffee - Part 1

Following are some events of a day in a city...

Rita was driving home from work.  It had been a long day that ended at 8.00 PM, she had skipped her lunch today and did not have time even for tea. Its was almost mid December and she was tied up with the year end activities. Everything had to be completed earlier than usual because of the holiday season.  She had grabbed a sandwich from the cafeteria that had mostly probably gone bad in her purse.   She just hungry and tired and just wanted to get home.  There seemed to be a terrible traffic jam at this signal that was about 20 min away from her home.  "Oh why did today have to be soo horrible!" She thought to herself as she honked to signal the car ahead of her to move on.  It seems there had been an accident and that was causing a problem.  "Move on, you slowing down is not helping anybody" Rita said to herself as she pounded her hands on the wheel impatiently.  She was extremely agitated and just wanted to get out of the road and get home.

The movie was boring and Rakesh was contemplating if he should walk out or sleeping through it.    He decided to sleep through it and make best used of the air conditioning and the comfy chair of the theater.  This is how he would be best use of the money he spent on the ticket.  His friends had forced him to watch this movie - which he had presumed would not be so entertaining and he was right.  Unfortunately, the movie was too loud to be able to sleep through even!   He would have to sit through it. 

Ved was on his way to pick up his mother who was out shopping.  He was thinking how he had been reduced to a family chauffer and errand boy since he lost his job 8 months ago.  He used to be a happy man but losing his job was almost like losing his identity.  When he worked at M&T Corp he was the Lead Accountant, he loved his new job - he had jumped into this role with a substantial hike in his pay.  But when recession hit the company was retrenching the new staff they had hired.  He lost his job and with it his joy.  He was looking for jobs and was sure he would get another offer and a btter one at that but after 4 months he was becoming desperate.  At the end of 6 months he had started to become bitter and now he was just dejected.  He was not happy at all.

She was returning home after shopping.  There had been so many sales going on and she had made some really good purchases and saved a fortune. It was savings ofcourse, if she were to buy items at retail rate.  She was looking for an autorickshaw with shopping bags in both hands she was waving out to taxis or autorickshaws if any would just stop.  She had 6 hours shopping and now her feet were killing her.  If only she could hail a taxi, suddenly her sandal heel broke. "Oh Noo!!" She almost let out a yell on the road as she cringed with irritation.

He had just returned from a moutaineering trip and had slept through a whole day.  He had been out meeting some of his friends at the coffee house.  He had a day off and the others were joining him after work.  He got into a rickshaw and was heading toward the coffee place. After about 5 min he realised he had forgotten his phone at home.  After being in a place without network for 2 week he was not used to checking his phone.  He asked the rickshaw driver to turn around.

Read Part 2 Here

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Wedding Phobia?

I know I have these beautiful ideas about marriage and having been through a really close friends wedding I realise how special that is.  Its not just about the two people getting married its also about the two families coming together.  Both the individuals gain a whole new family and find themselves in a host of new relationships. I know the girl moves out of her home but I think these days its not such a big deal as it used to be what seems like eons ago.  Although, when she comes back to her parents home after the wedding she would be only visiting as Mrs. Somebody!

So... I have an idea of the kind of marriage I'd want and the family I'll have someday. At the same time I've been having these horrible nightmares about my wedding.  I see myself in the Mandap and the rituals going on the matras being recited and at the same time I can hear the thoughts in my head going "You're marrying the wrong guy! Get out of here!" and I wake up scared and heart racing like mad.

Most my friends know I'm single and looking to settle down.  Those unmarried and my age are doing exactly the same thing but I wonder.. Do they ever have these nightmares? (as I type this I wonder if I should be talking about this with one of those friends instead of posting about it.  But since I let so many ideas die out in draft I think this would up the TRP :P hahahahahha)

I tried to think logically why I've been having nightmares.  I'm not really afraid of commitment as such but may be it was the thought of having to spend forever after with that 'One' person (I don't want to think about options if I do get married to the wrong guy). Its a life sentence and you get to choose your cell mate. One wrong decision and you could be screwed (sense the pun?). The thought of what if I make a mistake add a tiny bit of pressure.  Also, time is of the essence isn't it.  When I was younger I had a life plan - that is different from what it is now - and I'm long way off it!

Since that plan is outdated I've decided to talk about it... It was simple
  1. Fall in love at 23 
  2. Get married at 25
  3. First baby at 27
  4. Second baby at 29

Now to point out, Step 1 is not something that can be planned.  You might say point 2 is.  Well, not for me.

I can't imagine getting married to somebody I don't feel love for - The real love! I've had friends whose marriages were arranged and they are happily married.  May be the system works for them.  For me its not so much about getting married as 'Who' is it that I would be spending the rest of my life with and loving every living day of forever after! When I've talked about this line with my friends, the married ones are quick to response by "You can't be really happy every day, there will be tough times."  I completely understand that! Life isn't a holiday, its a journey where you choose your company, your friends and after a certain point you choose the partner for life.  That one person who you would always support and who would always be there when you need them.  

That said, I'm not afraid of marriage or getting married, I'm not even thinking about marriage.  But I do hope to meet that special somebody... Sooner rather than later.

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